  • 2nd Sep 2019

DIGITAL DETOX - By Partha Sarathi Ghosh

  • Total View :3057
  • Posted By-Partha Sarathi Ghosh

In this age of information expressway, there is an unprecedented increase of digital in media. The acceleration of technological innovation is responsible for our over-dependence on technology. We are gradually becoming dependant on the net for each piece of knowledge. Internet search engine is becoming our lifeline. This is changing our lifestyle. Within a fraction of second, it provides us the information we wanted. The world without ever-changing internet is unthinkable for many. They are the person, becoming sick of the internet. Gradually, they develop a serious psychological problem. They damage their body. The normal function of their body seriously affected which requires serious introspection.
Even if the digital technology poses a serious threat to our body and mind, we feel we cannot live in alienation with this. We feel richer by the connection we have in Linkedin, the number of followers in twitter, friends on facebook so on so forth. Networking with our known persons to an unknown is the order of the day. The stronger your network the richer you are. Phone particularly smartphone is no longer merely uses for formal communication, but also a host of other activities is carried out. This helps us for education, research, income, banking, entertainment, reference, sharing information, purchase, commerce, appointments, news, play games and chat and so on. This touches every aspect of our life. Anxiety is mounted high by the slightest slowdown of the performance of our digital devices. Excess in anything is bad. The negative effect of the excess use of internet has a direct link between screen and mind.
The pity is that most of us unaware that they are sick of digital technology and need to retreat. Sometimes even if it appears normal, it affects adversely in the long run.  The requirement of the day, to make a striking balance between life and technology. This can be made by accepting the fact that I am victim of technology and need to relief from it. At the initial stage you can make yourself detox by adhering certain self made rules religiously.
1.      I can commit myself not to use technology, check internet and my digital gadgets minimum one hour before going to bed and after wake up.
2.     If I have to purchase, I shall do my homework before proceeding towards any e-commerce site. If you prior decide, what is your requirement, the amount of money you want to spend on that article, brand if any, hue, size etc, it will be easier on our part to spend minimum time on screen.
3.         If at all, I have to work long hours in internet, I will take at regular intervals.
4.        I will spend some time with nature by taking a weekly, monthly or yearly vacation. This will help to rejuvenate my mind.
5.         I will do yoga, meditation, laughter sessions, dance classes, morning work etc to energise myself.
6.         I will eat healthy and perform a regular moderate physical exercise.
7.         If possible, I will fix specified time to certain specified routine internet exercise like checking messages, WhatsApp, connect with friends in social media etc.
8.         I will refrain myself from sites which are not relevant to achieve my goal.
9.         I know digital technology is a way of life, not life itself.
10.      Last, not the lease, this is my life and I will decide what is best for me by making       SWOT analysis. I shall be responsible for its outcome. 
The nostalgia of digital technology may end in a center for the digital detox, if not place in the control. Treatments may include psychotherapy, wellness, and regular checkup by doctors. A digital detox is switched off, all mobiles, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers for a certain length of time. This allows you to spend screen-free time doing whatever you take pleasure in. A digital detox is a grand way to keep on productive and balanced on a restless planet. We need to recharge and reboot ourselves through digital detox. By doing a digital detox, we give ourselves possibility to step back momentarily. A digital detox is also excellent for our wellbeing and our relations. It lets us dictate how we use our own moment rather than spending all our time answering other people’s demands. This also gives us a chance to spend time on the things and people who matter to us. This also means that when we get back to our desks, we’re focused again and ready to work.

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