  • 29th Jun 2020

How content marketing help Buyer Journey ?

  • Total View :3052
  • Posted By-Partha Sarathi Ghosh

Content marketing is a planned marketing approach that emphasizes on understanding and distributing valuable, applicable, and reliable information, in the right platform, at the right time, so that it retains specified audience and generates new one simultaneously. When an audience randomly searches through any search engine, with some specific requirement or roaming around to kill his time, it is the content that quantifies his thirst. If the content is good, his dwelling time will be high. During his journey, it is the task of content writers, to catch the areas of interest that the audience shows, through his queries. It is the right time to generate interest in the mind of the audience, towards the value that you can offer, or educate him how it can be applicable in his life with some reliable information. This is the first phase to convert an audience towards a potential customer.
Once the said audience has generated sufficient interest in any specific keyword/keywords, the task of a content writer, through his effective writing, must come in the search engine result pages, in response to a query by that searcher. By this time as he has already done sufficient research, it is the right time to offer some tailored information like Newsletter, Events and white papers, so that he can have a glimpse of your products and generate more interest in your activities. This is the second phase, in which he may consider you as a potential service provider or panacea of his queries.
Once you have reached under his consideration, it is time to show him about your credentials. You can show demos, so that he can visualize his decision without any ambiguity. Now you can show the price that you offer for your product or service, if found reasonable you won the battle. This is the last stage of this funnel.
In each stage, it is the content that plays a pivotal role. If anybody owns in the marketing, it is the content, whether verbal or non-verbal. Thus, content is the ruler. 

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