  • 30th Sep 2019

What is Slug & Slug Optimization ?

  • Total View :3050
  • Posted By-Biswajit Swain

What is a slug ?
A slug is a part of a website URL that just comes after the domain name which identifies a particular page on a website. In other words, it’s the part of the URL that explains the page’s content.  For example, the URL is, and the betaqsolutions-blog simply is ‘slug’.
Some URLs  include date or category or page id etc. But they are not the part of slug. If you have added more variables to your URL, the slug is still just that editable part of the URL to the page. 
Writing a good slug for your page or post can positively affect your SEO. So before creating slug, there are some basic points to optimize.
Include your keyword in the slug – The slug is a indicator for the search engines like google to determine what a page is contain. The slug helps to increase the SEO rank of the page.
Create user friendly URLs --  User friendly URLs are very important for search engine results. Slugs in URLs are help users to find search results quickly. 
Avoid Function words— Sometime the slugs in URL contain the function words like “a”, “the” and “and” and similar words. but usually, you can leave them out.
Don’t Repeat Slugs— If a slug is already use for a topic, don’t use the same slug for another topic. You can use a slug only once, so you should use it for the right page. Consider the page’s level or position on your website and then use the slugs.
Short & Descriptive Slugs – Don’t include too much information in slugs, because it creates problems in search results. A short slug that comes right after the domain allows Google to show keywords in its mobile search result pages as well.

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